RVM 1.26.2 released, new rubies and fixes
- RVM#2646 RVM#3137 save remote files using their names
- RVM#3128 use rubygems LANG trick on rubinius
- RVM#3130 fix loading .profile in .bash_login
- RVM#3134 skip updating certificates on OSX for any jruby
- RVM#3135 do not try to fix 'gems' ruby, just remove it
- RVM#3136 merged: Added reference to rvm-mini
- RVM#3138 add cleanup checksums
- RVM#3139 merged: added railsexpress patches for latest CVEs
- RVM#3140 merged: Update the list of alts
- use fastly cache for distributing binaries
- ruby-2.1.5, ruby-2.0.0-p598, ruby-1.9.3-p551 + binaries
- disable rubygems documents installation when not requiring documents installation, fix rbx issue with rubygems
here are full changes: https://github.com/rvm/rvm/compare/1.26.1...1.26.2