∞Who Funds RVM?
Initially the vast majority of RVM development, including speaking about it at events, has happened on Wayne and Michal own personal time and budget.
With time Engineyard started supporting project by employing Michal in years 2013-2014.
After that a fundraiser was started to support full time development of RVM 2.0.
There is a list of awesome people who have donated to the project in early stages.
We also have 'official sponsors':
Fastly Donates a CDN for RVM's website since early 2016.
Previous sponsors:
Linode, LLC Donated a VPS in order to run RVM's website 2013-2016.
Paymill Sponsored Michal work in the last two months of 2013.
EngineYard, Inc Donated a top of the line MacPro workstation and an MacBookAir for testing RVM.
Donated a VPS in order to run RVM's website till end of 2013.
Donated as an official sponsor of RVM.