Deployment Best Practices
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Use the SM Framework Project
SM Framework extensions can be used for flexible server-side code deployments. The following walkthrough will explain the steps involved for one example. This example will be deploying a Ruby on Rails application from GitHub. Please note that the deployment extension is not 'ruby specific' and can be used for deploying any codebase desired.
When deploying rvm applications, there are a few things to keep in mind. Please note that all of these are our recommended practices, and are typically best set up on a new machine:
The best way to deploy any application is to create a a new user on the target system for each application (project / code base) to be deployed. We then deploy each application to it's own *isolated* environment (eg. as the user, in the user's home path); Preferably the username is the same as the 'shortname' of the application.
Use an RVM gemset for each application (project)
Also be sure to use a project .rvmrc for each project, for both development and deployment.
Set the rvm_path to be user-facing:
appuser$ echo 'rvm_path="$HOME/.rvm"' >> ~/.rvmrc
Now install RVM,
appuser$ \curl -sSL | bash -s stable
Please note that there is a backslash before curl, this prevents misbehaving if you have aliased it with other options or use a .curlrc file for this. Once you have RVM installed for the target application user, you are ready to setup the deployment!
Start by generating a default ~/.smrc:
appuser$ sm smrc
Next, update any settings you may need to change in the ~/.smrc file, such as the environment, repository_url and perhaps the branch to deploy from:
appuser$ vim ~/.smrc
For example, when we deploy a redmine instance, we set the following two variables in the ~/.smrc file:
appuser$ grep -E '^repository_url=|^branch=' ~/.smrc repository_url="git://" branch="1.2-stable"
For a Ruby application we will want to install and use the 'ruby' extension set which includes extensions such as rvm, unicorn, and rails:
root# sm set install ruby
Next, run the Rails application setup extension action; this creates and sets up the directories and configuration files within the application user's ~/shared path. It will also install RVM with the default ruby:
appuser$ sm rails setup
Generate the unicorn configuration file in ~/shared/config/. Edit this file if you wish to run more than 2 unicorn worker processes by default, and to tweak any unicorn settings:
appuser$ sm unicorn setup
Edit the default generated database.yml file, and set up your database connection information:
appuser$ vim ~/shared/config/database.yml
Now install the deploy extension:
root# sm ext install deploy
Now we can use the deployment extension which will update ~/current with a fresh release, using the latest code from the repository and branch information defined in ~/.smrc:
appuser$ sm deploy
If you use rvm gemset files, do the following:
appuser$ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm # load RVM into your current shell appuser$ rvm gemset import ~/current/production.gems
If you use bundler, bootstrap your gems as follows ( Note: ensure that 'gem "unicorn"' is in the Gemfile first, *with no version specified* ):
appuser$ cd ~/current appuser$ gem install bundler && bundle install
Once your Ruby app environment is bootstrapped, start your application running under unicorn:
appuser$ sm unicorn start
Things are not always unicorns and rainbows, especially when changing and updating an application's codebase. There have been many times where I have worn keyboard imprints on my forehead for several days after being unable to start my application's unicorn herd only to finally figure out it was because my new codebase was using a new rubygem and I had forgotten to add it to my application's Gemfile! When the codebase update was successful but the unicorns will not restart, then you can check the status of this by examining the unicorn log; For example to check the last 200 lines of the unicorn log you issue the following command:
appuser$ tail -n 200 ~/shared/log/unicorn.log
Then you figure out what the errors are telling you, fix the issue and deploy again!!! Aye, a vicious cycle 'tis ;)
We use the Nginx webserver to serve http/https traffic and to proxy to the application servers. The Nginx extension is found in the 'servers' extension set:
root# sm set install servers
We run Nginx, so for us we proceed as follows. Please note the switch to running as root (with sudo):
root# sm nginx install
Now, 'configure the system' - which means copying the Nginx configuration directory into /etc/nginx:
root# sm nginx configure system
Next, for each application user, you'll generate an application server configuration file (in /etc/nginx/servers/):
root# sm nginx server add {{appuser}}
Note: this creates a /etc/nginx/servers/{{appuser}}.conf file; configured by default to proxy to a unicorn running on a Unix Domain Socket (UDS).
Now, ensure the appuser's directory is readable by Nginx:
root# chmod go+rx /home/{{appuser}}
Finally, start the Nginx service:
root# sm nginx service start
Do not forget to make backups!!! For most this is an afterthought only brought about by an event that they are ill prepared for. Avoid this pain for yourself. The Rails extension provides a backup_database action. This will backup the database based on the database.yml file into the ~/shared/backups/ directory. (If you want them in a different location, use filesystem symlinks.):
user$ sm rails backup_database
Add the command to cron such that it is run nightly at 02:00:
user$ crontab -e 0 2 * * * sm rails backup_database
Note: this will soon change to 'sm rails backup database' (note the space)
Use wrapper scripts for managing things like god and the like:
user$ rvm help wrapper
Deploying a specific branch and revision
The BDSM deployment extension also allows you to specifiy the branch and/or revision to use from the application's repository. For example, if you use git, you can set one or both of these in the ~/.smrc file as follows:
branch="production" revision="asdf4269"
Deployment Hooks
In the above walkthrough I showed you how to use a few BDSM framework extensions to accomplish a Ruby on Rails deployment. We now have a single server running with the application code served on port 80. We are running a Unicorn and Nginx web server stack.
A note for those new to deployments: 'Unicorn' is called an "application server" which means that it is what runs the actual Ruby code. Nginx, the "web server", is used to serve static files (css, images, javascripts, etc...) and proxy all other requests to the Unicorn herd (application servers).
Several of the above steps you must do each time you want to update your code to the latest on your server. We will now show you how to automate these steps even further so that you need only type 'sm deploy'! Once installed it is not required to reinstall or update the extensions and extension sets unless you are updating them to a newer version. There is also no need to reconfigure the project, database and unicorn configurations, these are all one time tasks.
If you use rvm gemsets and/or bundler (yes, you can use both together as I do myself) then every time you deploy a new version of your application, you will want to ensure that your gems are up to date.
This can be accomplished for you automatically during the deployment process. Several steps are taken in order to complete a deployment. Most of these steps occur in a staging location ($stage_path). The deployment extension provides a before and after hook for each step in the deployment process. In order to have actions happen at any of these hook points in the process you create an executable file in config/deploy/.
Let us take the example of updating your gems before replacing the current application's codebase so that you are sure the application will not temporarily falter. We create the following executable file in our application's code repository 'config/deploy/before_replace_current':
#!/bin/bash enter "${stage_path}" command_exists bundle || gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri bundle --without development,test
Once this file with this content is checked into the application code repository, the very next time 'sm deploy' is run as {{appuser}} on the server this file will be run just before the deployment extension replaces the currently deployed code directory.
One thing to note is that this file is a shell script! This means that you can run any commands to accomplish whatever it is that is required to happen on the server before the currently running code is replaced.
Another step that must happen in order for your website to change it's running codebase is that the application server (unicorn) must be restarted so that it reloads the new codebase. The way to do this with the unicorn extension is:
appuser$ sm unicorn restart
This is something we want to happen after the current directory has been replaced. So for this we can use the after_replace_current hook! Let's create the file 'config/deploy/after_replace_current' with the following contents:
#!/bin/bash enter ${release_path} # Not necessary but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy. sm unicorn restart
The unicorn restart will signal the running unicorn process to reload the codebase without dropping requests. If the unicorn herd is not running yet then this will start the unicorn herd, which is equivalent to 'sm unicorn start'
I personally use airbrakeapp (was: hoptoadapp) for application runtime error notifications in all of my Ruby applications and I find that it is a most useful product! Thus my applications also have a 'config/deploy/after_deploy' executable hook file which sends a deployment notification to the airbrake application:
#!/bin/bash enter ${release_path} rake hoptoad:deploy TO="$environment" \ REVISION="$(cat "${release_path}/revision")"
Note that this time the 'enter ${release_path}' IS necessary as the rake command here must be run from within the application's deployed codebase so that it can find the application's Rakefile.