If you can help or wish to become one of the maintainers - just start helping.
You can find more RVM related projects at
RVM Github organization.
- Bundler
- Capistrano
- Chef
- Cron
- Culerity
- Databases
- Emacs
- Engineyard
- Fish
- Gnome Terminal
- God
- Heroku
- Init D
- Jenkins
- Konsole
- Lxterminal
- Macports Before Autolibs
- Macports
- Memprof
- Passenger
- Passenger3
- Pow
- Qtruby
- Scripting
- Simple Terminal
- Sketchup
- Sudo
- Teamcity
- Textmate
- Tk
- Ubuntu On Windows
- Vagrant
- Vim
- Xterm
- Zsh