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Continuous Integration with TeamCity

TeamCity is a continuous integration server designed to automatically run tests against a project every time you make a change. You can configure TeamCity to automatically commit changes to version control when your tests pass or deploy your changes to a remote environment. By integrating rvm with TeamCity you can run tests against multiple ruby versions and test multiple projects with each project working with an independent set of gems.

General Overview

In order to run TeamCity with RVM you will need to

Installing TeamCity

Installing a Build Agent

Configuring a TeamCity Project

Setting Up Build Agents

Install the project's Ruby and Gemset on the build agent's machine. This can either be performed manually on each build agent machine or as a command line build runner as long as it is completed on each build agent's environment before the agent attempts to build a project using RVM.

Configuring a Build Agent to use RVM

Using a Rake Build Runner

TeamCity 5.1.3 includes support for RVM settings in the Rake Build Runner. In the Build Runner's "Launching Parameters" set the following options:

Using a Command Line Build Runner

As of TeamCity 5.1.3 Command Line build runners do not have built in support for RVM however they can use RVM given appropriate environment variables. The example below demonstrates running "bundle install" using a Command Line Build Runner.

In the Build Runner Configuration Step
In the Properties and Environment Variables Configuration Step

Add the following two "Configuration Parameters". Setting these values as configuration parameters allows them to be reused in the Build Runner Configuration and the Environment Variables below.

Name Value
rvm.ruby Your project's Ruby
rvm.gemset Your project's Gemset

Add the following Environment Variables to the "Build Parameters"

Name Value
BUNDLE_PATH ~/.rvm/gems/%rvm.ruby%@%rvm.gemset%
GEM_HOME ~/.rvm/gems/%rvm.ruby%@%rvm.gemset%
GEM_PATH ~/.rvm/gems/%rvm.ruby%@%rvm.gemset%:/home/teamcity/.rvm/gems/%rvm.ruby%@global
PATH ~/.rvm/bin:~/.rvm/rubies/%rvm.ruby%/bin:~/.rvm/gems/%rvm.ruby%@%rvm.gemset%/bin:~/.rvm/gems/%rvm.ruby%@global/bin:%env.PATH%

Using either of the configurations above the build agents will be able to reference an RVM Ruby and Gemset when performing their builds.

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